| Select Your Preferred Partnership Level. Select Gold and Platinum if you have received an invitation.
* |
Please provide a brief company overview (500 character limit)
* | Select countries where you have office locations:
(Hold Ctrl for multi-selection)
Asia Pacific and Japan*
(Hold Ctrl for multi-selection)
(Hold Ctrl for multi-selection)
Number of full-time employees: *
| Annual Revenue (US $): *
What is the regional % breakdown of your company's revenue? Total regional breakdown should equal 100%
Europe & Middle East & Africa %
| What % of your company's business is:
Do you have dedicated sales teams focused on vertical markets? *
If yes, provide the top three industry verticals your organization targets
(Hold Ctrl for multi-selection)
If other, please specify:
What are you doing today around "as a service"? (500 character limit)
| *How are your Product(s)sold? List approximate % for each category: Direct, Reseller, OEM, Other. Must total 100%
If applicable, list your company's major Resellers and OEM business partnerships
| If applicable, list your company's major current technology partnerships ?*
(Hold Ctrl for multi-selection)
If other, please specify:
Are you a public company?*
If yes, what is the stock symbol?
| |
Your Product
Provide the name of your product(s) that you wish to integrate and/or test with HPE’s product(s).*
Provide a detail description of the product(s) listed above.(500 character limit)*
| Please provide a URL where we can learn more about your product(s).
Are you using Containers like HPE Container Platform, Google Anthos, etc?(100 character limit)
| Provide a detail description of the product(s) you wish to integrate and/or test.(500 character limit)
What are your primary target markets for the product(s) listed above?*
If other, please specify:
| Is your product/service offering available today?
If No, when is it estimated to be available?
What Operating System(s) does your product support?
(Hold Ctrl for multi-selection)
If other, please specify:
| With which application(s) does your product work?*
(Hold Ctrl for multi-selection)
If other, please specify:
What Database(s) does your product support?*
(Hold Ctrl for multi-selection)
If other, please specify:
| What Cloud Platform(s) does your product support
(Hold Ctrl for multi-selection)
If other, please specify:
What virtualization technology does your product support?*
(Hold Ctrl for multi-selection)
If other, please specify:
| How many customers are you expecting will benefit from this product integration?*
Please identify the customers (either by business name or business type) asking for this product integration.
| What is the project revenue ($USD) for your company from these customer opportunities?
What is the commercial model? (e.g. perpetual license, subscription)(500 character limit)
| Does the model support elasticity, scale up and down?(500 character limit)
How would testing your application on the HPE platform add value to your solution and be beneficial to customers?(500 character limit)
| Please provide a customer use case example for how your product is intended to work with HPE Technology. Specifically, what business or customer problem do you want to solve, and what is the result you want to achieve by partnering with HPE?
List the primary competitors for your product(s).(500 character limit)
| |
Please select from the drop down menus below indicating which Business Unit(s), Product Group(s) and Product(s) you wish to integrate and/or test your product(s) with.